Monday, 3 November 2008

How very dare they!

During my latest news break I came across this.

Anna Dunwoodie said she believed officers were "out of control" and gave off a "sense of panic" before shooting.
No fucking shit!? These guys thought there was a suicide bomber on the train and their lives could've been ended at any given second at the click of a button and they were panicking!?

Who the fuck recruited those guys!?

Based on this startling new evidence bought to light by Miss Dunwoodie, I will be petitioning the Downing Street website to get this needless inquest concluded immediately, the officers involved sacked and cyborg androids given their jobs.

I'm beyond words. How very dare those police officers give off a "sense of panic" in such a critical 'do or die' situation. This whole thing could've been avoided if Robocop were on the scene.
