A real niche area of contemporary politics is Monarchism, and it goes almost unheard of in my daily life. Until I get on the internet, of course!
This forum is where Monarchists gather to discuss the aceness of royalty and Christianity. I don't really sympathise but it's a bit intruiging to observe these peoples' thoughts in action. One particularly funny poster is
BaronVonServers who really likes including the phrase "Monarchs / Sovereigns, Lords and Commons"
in his posts. Catchy phrase.
In the thread entitled "
Why are you a Monarchist?", AaronTraas declares hate for his "flaming liberal hippy" parents then posts
this questionable statement.
I started to appreciate the arts, found out that the crusades and the Holy Inquisition weren't so bad after all
Holy shit! "Weren't so bad"??? Apart from all those terrorised, displaced and dead people? Apart from their blatant implication that Christianity was just another social tool for the ego of a minority? I suppose it does not matter when you are a GREATER MAN, such as a
"zany" 31-year-old that looooooves shiny things.
What I find most bizarre about this forum is that so few of the posters come from countries that actually have monarchies, with most coming from the US or
Canada (though ProudCanadian makes a point of mentioning he is "
ethnically British" as though this strengthens his monarchist views), including the
guy that runs the site.

I'm an hoover sales man. I will rape, kill, and eat you.Or perhaps that is not so bizarre after all. As found in the above mentioned thread, many posters have common themes for supporting monarchism. Monarchy represents
an absolutely transcendental symbol of order that is very ancient. White Americans are the cute adorable babies of the haggard and grizzled old crones that are their euro cousins, and the appeal of a long and riotous history must simply be too desirable.
Oh, and
this guy is a monarchist because his grandmother was kissed by a queen. As a baby. In a dockyard. Royalty must spread like cooties. Nice one mate.